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Course Introduction

"Love" Thunderbolt

The main purpose is to discuss how to deal with the sudden "love" hurt like a bolt from the sky, understand the emotional distress caused by divorce, and how can the traumatized respond? How to deal with this painful emotion?

on the road to recovery

Learn about the kinds of pain you face after a divorce, the origins of this tearing trauma, and how you can embark on the path to recovery and self-growth.

Facing Anger and Retaliation

How to deal with the anger caused by divorce, recognize the source of anger and its impact, and find positive ways to deal with anger.

face depression

Depression makes people lose all motivation and brings great distress, which affects normal life. This lesson will discuss appropriate coping strategies and get out of the trough of depression.

face loneliness

How to deal with lingering loneliness and share how to experience God's presence and overcome loneliness in solitude.

financial adaptation

Financial management is an extremely important topic. Learn to plan financial expenses well, increase income and reduce expenditure in a planned way.

Facing a new life with your children

All parents do not want any harm to their children due to divorce. Professionals provide appropriate guidance to assist parents to support their children's healthy growth.

love and desire

Facing the flamboyant world and the one-on-one society of others, this class discusses the erotic troubles after returning to singleness and how to deal with them, and explores the relationship between philosophy and practice.


Forgiveness takes courage and hard work. This lesson will help you learn more about forgiveness and how to achieve it.

possibility of reconciliation

Is reconciliation possible? This lesson explores the meaning and benefits of "reconciliation," as well as the different aspects of "reconciliation," which differ from "reconciliation."

new relationship

Some people are afraid of entering a new relationship, while others are eager to develop a new relationship. What are the factors to consider? How to momentum? How do you know that you are mature enough to accept a new relationship?

Towards a new milestone

We firmly believe that God is a powerful healer. At the end of this lesson, brothers and sisters will share their experience of God's healing. How to get out of the valley of tears from the predicament.


Room C, 16th Floor,

Thomson Commercial Building,

8 Thomson Road, Wanchai,

Hong Kong

©2021 by Rainbow Counseling Center. 

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