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Pastor Chen Guoping

With more than 20 years of counseling experience, he is good at children and adolescent behavior and emotional therapy, pre-marital, marriage and extramarital affairs counseling, diagnosis and treatment of different personal addictions, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, serious psychological and personality problems. There is a lot of research on psychometric testing and combining beliefs. He is often invited to lead public lectures around the world and teach master's and doctoral programs in counseling and leadership. It is also a training instructor approved by the American TJTA psychological test.


Pastor Chen Peiming

Served in the Burnaby Chinese Missionary Alliance in Canada, and obtained a Registered Clinical Counselor (RCC) license in British Columbia, Canada. In addition, he also hosts related counseling programs on radio and television. During his stay in Hong Kong, he was appointed as a co-opted member of Tuen Mun District Council Social Service Association and a member of Tuen Mun Hospital.


Ms. Xu Huiyi

Family infrastructure education and publishing director, columnist, senior publisher, family and women educators, focusing on religion and life education, sex and pornographic culture, media education, family and adolescent whole-person growth, female soul and other topics, and often hosts Related lectures and courses, books include "Let Children Understand Sex", "Women Walk Freely", "Ah-Q Mommy Teenagers", "Knowing Knowledge", "Ah-Q Mommy's Education", "Ah-Q Mommy's Life "Smart Articles", "Ah Q Mommy's Behavior Articles", and wrote columns for "Times Forum", "Health and Wealth Creation Magazine", "Parent-child Convenience" and so on.


Dr. Glinka

Dr. Ge has many years of counseling experience and holds a marriage and family therapist license in California, USA. Specializes in psychological testing; individual, marital and family therapy. Specializes in dealing with trauma, fear, sexual assault and anxiety. Dr. Ge served as the supervisor and guest lecturer of the Baptist Theological Seminary, and has rich experience in hosting lectures and workshops. and workshops on "The Mystery of Mental Illness". Dr. Ge is also invited by schools, churches, and other organizations from time to time to give lectures and lead lectures from the perspective of psychology.


Professor Liu Yuqiong

Professor Liu Yuqiong is a senior social worker, senior clinical social work supervisor and trainer. She once worked in the Department of Social Work of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, engaged in education, research and training. Specializes in family counseling, family research and family-oriented social service planning, divorced family is one of its specialized research projects.


Ms. Liang Caojuanhua

Worked in the Family Services Department of the Hong Kong Social Welfare Department, handling cases of divorce, child abuse, marital problems, and problematic teenagers; and provided courts with social investigation reports on custody rights and applications for child protection orders. He also worked at the Hong Kong Polytechnic (now the Polytechnic University) as a student internship supervisor in the Department of Social Work. In the early 1990s, he worked for the Chinese Overseas Chinese Mutual Aid Association in Vancouver, Canada, teaching courses to help new immigrants integrate into society. He used to be the coordinator of the Chinese community in Western Canada of World Vision Canada. He also wrote the Pravda column in Vancouver - "Out of the Valley of Tears", the founder of Dancing Reed Divorce Recovery Ministry.


Ms. Luo Naixuan

Director-General of the Family Development Fund, columnist, senior publisher, family and women educator, was awarded the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Medal of Honor in 2005. Works include "Ah-Q Mommy Youth", "I Can't Let You Grow Up", "Life Is a Series of Feelings", "Adversity and Reflection", "Reading Women's Love", "Parent-Child Light", "Ah-Q Mommy's Upbringing" , "Ah-Q Mommy's Life Intelligence Chapter", "Ah-Q Mommy's Behavior Chapter", etc.; was the host of the "Positive Zone" program of Radio Television Hong Kong's first station, and was the host of "Hong Kong Economic Times", "Times Forum", "Ming Pao "Teaching Delight", "Parent-child Convenience" and other columns.


Mr. Luo Qiulin

Counselor in Vancouver Coastal Health, Registered Social Worker in BC. Specializes in dealing with adolescent growth, parent-child relationship, marriage relationship and divorce emotional counseling. He also wrote the Pravda column "Out of the Valley of Tears" in Vancouver and was a founding core member of the Dancing Reed Divorce Recovery ministry. He used to be a director of the Gospel Mission of Transcending Youth in Canada, a voluntary counselor and course instructor of Tianen Counseling Center. Teaching different workshops in the off-campus courses of the Greater Vancouver School Board, such as "Jumping out of the abyss - rebuilding life after a breakup", "Growing together on the road of single parents", "How to talk about sex with teenagers", "Building wisdom in adversity", "Multiple intelligences" Instructor Certificate Course" and so on.


Dr. Lu Zongrong

Specializes in Individual and Marriage Therapy. Focus on serving those who suffer from depression, anxiety, different addictions, eating disorders, emotional and interpersonal trauma, marital conflicts and family problems. He provides supervision, group counseling and psychometric testing, and leads lectures and workshops. He once worked as an assistant professor at the China Academy of Theology, and has a lot of experience in the adjustment of Chinese and Western cultures and the integration of psychology and beliefs.


Dr McKean

Senior psychiatrist, Hong Kong justice of the peace, former honorary professor of the University of Hong Kong, honorary consultant of the Marriage and Children's Enlightenment Center and former chairman of the Hong Kong Mental Health Association.


Ms. Wen Meizhen

Engaged in personal and family counseling for many years. In the spirit of Christ, he successively established the "Super Dimensional Hotline Counseling Center", "Heart-warming Counseling Center", Hong Kong's first 24-hour prayer counseling hotline, and the general director of "Xin Xin Ling Counseling Center". Provide hotline counseling training for believers, and provide internship supervision for master counseling students of certain universities and seminaries in Hong Kong.


Mr. Wu Guoyuan

The director of family and youth services of the Canadian Chinese Overseas Chinese Mutual Aid Association, a senior counselor, is often invited by Vancouver community groups to give lectures on a variety of life topics, including "midlife crisis, "marriage relationship", "man's mental journey of growth", "stress management "wait. Assisted the Department of Law of British Columbia to promote the "Divorced couples, continuous parent-child relationship" workshop to the Chinese community in Greater Vancouver. The Chinese Overseas Chinese Mutual Aid Association has also become the designated organization of the Department of Justice to host the Chinese workshop.


Dr. Qu Weihao

Senior licensed family therapist, Doctor of Philosophy in Marriage and Family Therapy, qualified to practice in California, USA, clinical member and certified clinical supervisor of the American Society for Marriage and Family Therapy, associate academician and consultant supervisor of Hong Kong Professional Counseling Association, Hong Kong Bethel God Director of the Master's Program in Christian Family Therapy, taught family counseling courses in many universities in Hong Kong, clinical supervisor of many counseling centers, and was appointed as a consultant of Hong Kong Successful Parents Institute; Dr. Qu is often invited to give lectures and has been on many radio stations Serve as a guest host to explain the essentials of family life.


Dr. Huang Lizhang

Engaged in family and marriage counseling work; he went to New York, USA to study family therapy and devoted himself to training. He has been invited by the Social Welfare Department, a number of voluntary organizations and colleges to provide family and marriage counseling training. As the first batch of family mediators in Hong Kong, he has assisted in providing mediation training for social workers and lawyers many times. He has been invited to serve as a lecturer at Lutheran Theological Seminary and an honorary lecturer at the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, teaching marriage counseling, emotional counseling and other courses. Books include "Same Bed, Different Dreams", "Communication Is Not a Panacea", "Hold Your Hand", "Trauma and Forgiveness in Marriage" and "Marriage Counseling Deconstruction".


Room C, 16th Floor,

Thomson Commercial Building,

8 Thomson Road, Wanchai,

Hong Kong

©2021 by Rainbow Counseling Center. 

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