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Premarital Counseling

Our premarital counseling is based on the family system theory and the American Prepare/Enrich Program to help the premarital couple to prepare for their marriage effectively.

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Counseling Approach

Our premarital counseling includes analyzing the premarital couple's personal backgrounds, growth process, personality similarities and differences, and their past love histories.  We will then conclude the strengths and areas for improvement of their relationship.

We also help the premarital couple to examine their marriage decision factors, work on the areas of improvement, and set appropriate expectations for married life. If needed, we also provide exercises including communication skills, conflict management and family budget planning...etc.

If the premarital couple are Christians, we will also provide spiritual guidance on  how to build a strong Christian family.

Session                              Content

First                               Introduce Counseling Goals:

                                       * Review marriage decisions, improve personality differences,

                                          and prepare for marriage life

                                       * Analyze personal backgrounds, family-of-origin & love



Complete Prepare/Enrich Assessment at Home



Second & Third              Family-of-origin dynamics & personality development

Fourth                              Review Prepare/Enrich Report, Summarize strengths &


Fifth                                  Review & improve communication skills, enhance

                                           conflict resolution and manage personality differences

Sixth                                  Prepare for marriage life:

                                           family budgeting, extended family arrangement,

                                           marriage intimacy, and spiritual guidance for

                                           Christian couples.


* After completing all six sessions of premarital counseling,

the premarital couple will receive a completion certificate issued by the center.


Room C, 16th Floor,

Thomson Commercial Building,

8 Thomson Road, Wanchai,

Hong Kong

©2021 by Rainbow Counseling Center. 

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