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《走出流淚谷》: Welcome


"Dancing Reed Divorce Recovery" The DVD course was conceived by a group of Vancouver Christians in 2005 to heal wounded hearts and sow the seeds of the Gospel through the Word of God. In 2014, due to the retirement of the founder, Ms. May Lam, the ministry of this course was handed over to our organization in Hong Kong to continue, hoping to have more opportunities to serve the injured Chinese community.


Everyone is a wonderful creation of God, and in His eyes, they are like pearls and treasures. Even though a person who has experienced the trauma of divorce is as fragile as a bruised reed, God never gives up or breaks it. On the contrary, God regards them as His own children and loves and cherishes them.


Through  "Dancing Reed Divorce Recovery", the 12-lesson group mutual assistance course, with the professional advice of experts and pastors, brings people who have been torn and traumatized before God. By His grace, walk out of the valley of tears and rewrite the beautiful movement of life.


Room C, 16th Floor,

Thomson Commercial Building,

8 Thomson Road, Wanchai,

Hong Kong

©2021 by Rainbow Counseling Center. 

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